Today, the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity summarized the 31st Grand Finale organized all around the world by the GOCC Collection Centres. The final result of the fundraiser summed up to PLN 243,259,389.25 (EUR 52,028,528.98 according to the exchange rate of 31 March 2023) which means it is nearly PLN 19 million higher than last year and almost PLN 89 million higher than the preliminary result of the day of the fundraiser.

How much have the GOCC raised during the 31st Grand Finale?

The board of the GOCC Foundation during the announcement of the 31st Grand Finale final result, photo: Dominik Malik
- dontations paid to the Collection Boxes - PLN 129,083,897.5 (53.06% of the total)
- online donations - PLN 113,470,883.11 ( 46.56% of the total)
- donations in-kind - PLN 704,606.64 (0.29% of the total).
What equipment will the Foundation buy?
- equipment for the identification of micro-organisms by Maldi TOF mass spectrometry systems for automated antimicrobial susceptibility testing,
- multiplex PCR-type molecular diagnostic tool for the identification of micro-organisms including determination of drug resistance,
- tools for the detection of amplification products of bacteria, fungi and determination of resistance mechanisms using magnetic resonance technology,
- automated systems for microbiological samples,
- laminar flow cabinets for laboratories.

The GOCC Foundation Staff during the announcement of the 31st Grand Finale final result, photo: Łukasz Widziszowski