
The 32nd Grand Finale - ready to play!

Months of preparation, thousands of events around the world, and hundreds of thousands of people involved. The 32nd Finale of GOCC is just around the corner! In Warsaw, the Orchestra's heart will be beating the loudest at PGE Narodowy meadows. It is here that Jurek Owsiak summed up preparations for the next edition of the fundraising.

The GOCC plays with everyone and for everyone!

1685 Collection Centres and 120,000 volunteers – all fully ready for the 32nd Grand Finale! The GOCC goal this year is “Post-pandemic lungs” and will focus on pulmonology units across Poland. The fundraising once again unites communities not only in Poland, but also around the world, thanks to 100 international Collection Centres operating in Croatia, Australia, Thailand, Luxembourg, Canada, the Czech Republic, Singapore, Egypt and even at both the poles! Each of the Collection Centres has many amazing stories and creative ideas for fundraising activities including – concerts, happenings, sporting events and much, much more. 

What can be expected from this edition of the Grand Finale? First and foremost, a spirit of unity, because – as it was emphasized many times – the GOCC wants to play with everyone and for everyone. After a few years break, the uniformed services, government representatives and public media are with the Grand Finale again!

For the 32nd time, we will be together. Not only in Poland but all over the world. All to help Polish medicine, to help those people who need good medical equipment. We’ve decided that this time we want to take care of our lungs after the pandemic. This is a big problem not only for us - here in Poland, but also for the whole world. All those places where there was a pandemic. Our lungs were strained and put to a huge test, and not everyone was lucky enough to pass this test. 
-Jurek Owsiak, chairman of the board of the GOCC Foundation

At the very beginning of the press conference today, the fundraising account already contained  PLN 36 474 399 – it is worth noting that the GOCC ended the 16th Grand Finale with a similar amount. Such a result is due to the enormous generosity of the GOCC supporters and thanks to the possibility of electronic donation channels which were launched at the beginning of December.

In Warsaw the GOCC are playing at PGE Narodowy meadows

The 32nd Grand Finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity also means a new location for the main studio and the concert in our capital - the heart of the Orchestra's activities beats at the PGE Narodowy meadows. It is a place with comfortable access by public transport, but also offering the possibility of accumulating all the attractions in one place. In addition to the studio and the concert stage, a zone with the attractions of the 32nd GOCC Grand Finale partners has been created on the meadows, and it is also here that the 18th edition of  “Get Even with Diabetes Run” will start and end, as well as where the Light to the Sky will take place.

We are with you in a slightly different format, but we have always been with you. 16,000 police officers look after the safety of citizens and volunteers. We are present at every GOCC Collection Centre. We participate and monitor the actions around the Grand Finale. We make sure that you see what the police look like, and how we want the police to be perceived by society. We want to be close to you and for you to see that the police are with you. This is your police force, which wants to keep you and your loved ones safe
-Inspector Marek Boroń, Police Chief Officer

The GOCC invites everyone to play with the Orchestra!

Please be invited to PGE Narodowy meadows on 27th January! On Saturday and Sunday, many attractions prepared by our partners will be waiting for everyone (on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., and on Sunday from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.). The Grand Finale’s studio will be open to all on the 28th of January from 8 a.m. until midnight, and the concerts will start at 2 p.m.

Here is the list of the 32nd Grand Finale musical quests. A total of 16 bands and singers joined the lineup.

14:00 –Wojtek Szumański
14:30 – Booze & Glory
15:00 – Golden Life
15:30 – Dorosłe Dzieci
16:00 – Proletaryat
16:30 – Luiku
17:00 – Lordofon 
17:30 – Pull The Wire
18:00 – Poparzeni Kawą Trzy
18:30 – BOKKA
19:00 – Hoffmaestro
19:30 – Kwiat Jabłoni
19:50 – Tulia
20:00 – Światełko do Nieba
20:15 – Enej
20:50 – Zalewski
21:25 – LemON

TVN Warner Bros. Discovery Poland official TV broadcaster for the eighth time

Everyone can follow the 32nd Grand Finale webcast or the TV broadcast. For the eighth time, the GOCC Grand Finale partner is TVN Warner Bros. Discovery Poland, thanks to them there will be the possibility to show the unique atmosphere of the Grand Finale studio and live concert to all viewers of TVN, TTV, TVN24, and Player.

We are indeed the Orchestra's main television partner for the 8th time. I will take this opportunity to thank you for these eight years, but also for all the years before that. We know that you appreciate those years when we were with you when others were not. I am glad that we are all on board together now. I believe that we will "play" together until we know when.
-Bogdan Czaja Programme Director, TVN Group

About the 32nd GOCC Finale

The 32nd Finale of the GOCC will take place on 28 January 2024. This year the 32nd Grand Finale motto is “Post-pandemic lungs” – collected funds will be used to purchase equipment for pulmonology wards for children and adults. The motto of the 32nd Grand Finale campaign is “We're all in tune!”. Everyone can contribute towards Grand Finale goal from the beginning of December through various electronic channels.