The stats on King Gizzard’s colourful career are stacking up fast: 15 albums in 7 years (including five in 2017 alone), 10 of them charting in the Top 20 in Australia, where they are now arguably the country’s most innovative, important and productive rock band. International critical acclaim. Headline festival appearances. And perhaps most importantly, a fervent worldwide fanbase who share endless memes, mixes, videos, graphics, theories and discussions, all through which they explore and expand what they have termed ‘The Gizzverse’.

King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard. photo by Jamie Wdziekonski
The Aussie band records innovative and surprising music. Still, it is their live shows which are the most interesting sonic and visual experience. There are no holds barred when King Gizzard & Lizard Wizard play live. High-voltage, energetic gigs take the audience on a trippy exploration of different musical landscapes, unexpected sounds and surprising harmonies.