Our charity has been fundraising for almost 30 years. In the 29 years of our activity, we managed to raise an impressive sum of over PLN 1.5 billion! Let's see how the fundraiser progressed from the very beginning of our work up to the new, record-setting result of the 2021 fundraiser.
During 29 years of our charitable work, we raised a sum that has just surpassed the mark of PLN 1.5 billion. We were never focused on setting new records, but it seems that your generosity only grew, surprising us each year! A few years ago, we officially announced the final result of the 29th edition of our fundraiser. Despite the pandemic and the restrictions, we managed to raise a stunning amount of PLN 210 813 830, 10 (EUR 45 993 068,79). Let's see how the fundraiser progressed throughout the years!
The first Grand Finale was held on January 3rd, 1993. We wanted to raise money to buy equipment for children's cardiac surgery wards. It was one of the first-ever big scale charitable fundraiser in Poland. We managed to raise PLN 3 773 443,38, and we bought some essential pieces of equipment such as heart monitors, incubators, AED, syringe pumps, pulse oximeters, CPAP machines, and medical ventilators. The result of our most recent Grand Finale fundraiser totalled PLN 210 813 830,10 - 20 million more than we raised last year and over 55 times more than we collected in 1993.
The money we raised in 2021 will be used to buy medical devices for pediatric ENT to treat the conditions of ear, nose, and throat and head diagnostics equipment. We will buy laryngoscopes, endoscopes, and diode lasers.
We put plenty of emphasis on the transparency of our actions, publishing detailed financial reports showing the public how we spend the money we raise. Traditionally, we publish the initial report right before the Grand Finale fundraiser - listing how much we have already spent, what equipment we purchased, and how much money we spent on running our medical initiatives. It is worth noting that we consider a contract for the purchase of medical equipment to be closed and completed once the devices are delivered to hospitals, staff trained on how to use the equipment, and patients can receive treatment using new devices. It also bears mentioning that some pieces of equipment are specially manufactured to fit our requirements. That is why the process of reporting each Grand Finale's purchases takes over a year.

How much did our charity raise in the 30 years of our activity?