Social activism, culture, travel, legislation, new media – we will definitely talk about these issues at the Academy of the Finest of Arts at the upcoming Pol'andRock Festival. Our conversations are always the result of an interesting exchange of views and opinions or a well-asked question from the audience.
Tokarczuk. This year, we will also host outstanding figures at the Makowice-Płoty Airport, and we invite everyone to talk to them not only as of the audience present at the festival, but also Internet users who can ask the guests a question on the dedicated website of mBank, which is the patron of the Academy of the Finest of Arts and on the Discord server.
Travelling and discovering the world

Justyna Dzikowska. photo by Lucyna Lewandowska

Łukasz Czepiela. photo by Lucyna Lewandowska
Culture and art

Andrzej Chyra. photo by Lucyna Lewandowska

Arek Jakubik. photo by Marcin Zieliński
New Media

Jakobe Mansztajn. photo by Marcin Michon
Social activists

Sylwia Gregorczyk-Abram & Michał Wawrykiewicz. photo by Lucyna Lewandowska
Press Office at at The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity