The digital PET-CT scanner is a device which allows highly accurate and detailed imaging of tumour foci in children bodies. This equipment purchased by the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity Foundation for nearly PLN 16 mln is the most expensive machine in the history of the GOCC.

PET-CT Facility at the Children’s Memorial Health Institute, photo by: Łukasz Widziszowski
The PET-CT centre with the cutting-edge device in diagnostic oncology of a total worth of nearly PLN 16 mln is now open! My Friends, as of Monday it will be on, it will give hope, it will help to effectively cure the little patients! And this is what the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity is all about! We are so very happy!
Jurek Owsiak, Chairman of the Board of the GOCC

photo by: Łukasz Widziszowski
We are grateful to the Ministry of Health and to the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity Foundation, thanks to whom today we officially open the new Positron Emission Tomography Laboratory in our Institute. The digital PET-CT device will allow us to provide our little patients with the highest quality standards in imaging diagnostics, which translates into improved diagnostic accuracy and treatment efficiency.
Dr Marek Migdał, Head of the Children’s Memorial Health Institute in Warsaw

Jurek Owsiak with the Children’s Memorial Health Institute's staff members, photo by: Łukasz Widziszowski

View of the Children’s Memorial Health Institute in Warsaw, photo by: Łukasz Widziszowski