The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity Foundation announced the medical objective of the 29th edition of the Grand Finale fundraiser. In 2021 we will be raising money for laryngology, otorhinolaryngology, head diagnostics!
Thirteen years have passed since we raised money for laryngology and otorhinolaryngology. In 2008, when we raised money to buy equipment to treat children with hearing defects, we managed to collect USD 14 000 000. We used these funds to purchase equipment such as nasofiberscopes, nasal endoscopes for nose and sinus surgeries, and ultrasonic nebulizers. Thirteen years of use means that these devices are no longer in working order. We receive plenty of requests for modern diagnostics equipment. Doctors stress the need for equipment which is not only top-tier when it comes to technological properties but also ensure maximal comfort of little patients. What is more, as air pollution and coronavirus put a severe strain on our respiratory tracts, we realize that effective diagnostics and treatment become more important than ever.
Lidia Niedźwiedzka-Owsiak, medical affairs director of the GOCC
- ENT endoscopes
- flexible endoscopes
- rigid endoscopes for respiratory tract inspection
- exoscopes
- diode lasers
- ENT navigation systems
- coblators for tonsillectomy
- USG and RTG machines
- heart monitors
- ENT headlamps
- surgery headlamps
- polysomnography sets to test sleep apnea
These state-of-the-art devices are all necessary to perform complicated ENT surgeries. These devices are gear we rely on during complicated ENT procedures, and if doctors have access to the best and most modern surgical tools, they can significantly limit the complications. We can speed up the treatment and improve the recovery time for our youngest patients.
Tomas Grochowski from Memorial Children's Hospital.

Board of the charity with medical experts