One of the most popular activities among the Collection Centre's Staff and beneficiaries during the 30th Grand Finale was the Get Even with Diabetes Race, which brought together people from Poland and all over the world for the 16th time this year! Do you know that the total distance of the race covered by the participants is equal to almost two laps around the Earth and that the total amount of money raised at the race allows for the purchase of 83 insulin pumps?
Not only does run improve your health, but it also makes you do your best to save the lives of… mums! Thanks to the money raised at the race, we will buy state-of-the-art insulin pumps and continue the programme for helping pregnant women fight diabetes. And once again, we held the record-breaking race, we saw the awareness of the participants- to cut the story short: mens sana in corpore sano!
Jurek Owsiak, the Chairman of the GOCC Foundation
Warsaw Race

The participant of the 16th Get Even with Diabetes Race, photo: Paweł Krupka