The Light to the Sky of this year dazzled with a contemporary and breathtaking display! The tradition lives on in a brand new form, as people from Poland and beyond come together to symbolically channel positive energy and wishes for hope to the good angels.
The Light to the Sky, which we have been preparing diligently for two months, will be nothing short of exceptional. Join us as we celebrate, for this event is one not to be missed. There will be no fireworks, so please do not worry about animals' safety. Expect nothing less than a magnificent show
Jurek Owsiak, chairman of the board of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity Foundation

Jurek Owsiak announcing the “Light to the Sky” show and the guests. Photo: Dominik Malik
We play all over the world, we play at both poles, we play under the equator, on all continents. It's a moment when we speak highly of one another when we smile, when we create a Poland that is inclusive, and open to all. Let it not end tomorrow, let it not end next week. Let it be with us for a whole year - until the next Grand Finale plays again
Jurek Owsiak, chairman of the board of the GOCC Foundation
The final show, live-streamed on various online platforms, captured the attention of audiences all over Poland and even reached the farthest corners of the world. Once again this year, the tradition of sending out positive energy in the form of a light to the sky was carried out in a magnificent setting, without the use of fireworks.