Grand Finale
The declared amount at the end of the 32nd Grand Finale day was PLN 175,426,813. Today, the GOCC Foundation has achieved the expected result in the fundraiser's account. However, it is not over yet. The GOCC Foundation continues to tally the funds. The final result will ...

22 February 2024

Grand Finale
The Light to the Sky of this year dazzled with a contemporary and breathtaking display! The tradition lives on in a brand new form, as people from Poland and beyond come together to symbolically channel positive energy and wishes for hope to the good angels. 

28 January 2024

Grand Finale
Nowadays, there are many ways to support GOCC, and most of it does not even require leaving home! There are many ways how to support the 32nd GOCC Grand Finale from any location in Poland or around the world. 

27 January 2024

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