It's high time the final result of this year's collection was revealed! Jerzy Owsiak has just announced the final total of the 32nd Grand Finale fundraiser. Thanks to our volunteers, wonderful teams at Collection Centres, and donors, the 32nd Grand Finale final result reaches PLN 281,879,118.07! It is PLN 106,452,305 more than the declared amount and 38,619,730.80 more than the final result of the 31st Grand Finale last year!

How much did the GOCC Foundation raised during the 32nd Grand Finale fundraiser?
- dontations paid to the Collection Boxes - PLN 157,389,843.20 (55.84.% of the total)
- online donations - PLN 123,569,803.10 (43.84% of the total)
- donations in-kind - PLN 919,471.77 (0.33% of the total).
The 32nd Grand Finale

The 18th "Get Even with Diabetes" Run, photo: Radosław Raszka
The declared amount and the final amount

TV Studio during the 32nd Grand Finale, photo: Marcin Michoń