It is customary for the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity to publish financial reports detailing the charity's medical purchases in the run-up to the Grand Finale fundraiser.
Financial reports we published on our websites include both: our purchases and financial obligations we undertook. The data include how much we spend by the end of 2019 and how much funds will be paid once all our contracts are duly fulfilled. In this case, the payments will be made in 2020 or, in some cases in 2021 - especially in case of devices such as MRI and CT scanners, which require adjustments to be made to the hospital buildings. That is why these reports differ from the reports we are required to send to the Polish Ministry of Interior and Administration. The report filed with the Ministry contains only the actual expenditure made in a given year. The reports we present ahead of the Grand Finale are more detailed and show how exactly the money has been spent.
Krzysztof Dobies, Press Officer, GOCC Foundation

Financial report of the 25th Grand Finale

Partial financial report of the 26th Grand Finale

Partial financial report of the 27th Grand Finale
The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity enjoys overwhelming public support and trust. The key to our permanent position of the most trustworthy organisation in the country lies in how consistently we show how effectively the money is spent. Each piece of equipment we donate is branded with our logo so that everyone can see the effects of our work. We also publish detailed financial accounts showing how much money went towards the aim of each fundraiser and what were the costs of holding the collection. On top of filing all necessary documentation with the Ministry of Interior and Administration, which require from readers accounting and financial background, we decided to publish financial reports on our website. What is more, you can browse our site for a list of hospitals and equipment we donated. We post photos showing the equipment we gave as well. All in all our benefactors see for themselves that each donation is crucial and the effects of our work can be found in all children's hospitals in Poland
Krzysztof Dobies, Press Officer, GOCC