This time, the broadly understood diagnostics and treatment of eye diseases in children will be the main objective of the winter fundraiser. The 30th Grand Finale will take place on 30th January 2022. On 9th October, during the meeting with the Collection Centres engaged in the fundraiser in Tuszyn, Jurek Owsiak shared the details of the upcoming project.
I came to thank you - volunteers from Łódź, but also the whole country. Truly, the equipment of nearly 67 mln worth delivered to Łódź by the GOCC Foundation serves patients every day. I wish you a wonderful Grand Finale, thanking you for your great heart and as a volunteer, because I indeed have been a volunteer for many years now - thank you!
Hanna Zdanowska, Mayor of Łódź

Jurek Owsiak and Hanna Zdanowska, photo: Grzegorz Adamek

Jurek Owsiak, photo: Stanisław Wadas
Why ophthalmology?
Eye diseases can occur in children at any age, ranging from genetically determined defects, including metabolic diseases and developmental changes in infancy, pathology associated with prematurity, uveitis, inflammation and degeneration of the retina and optic nerve of various aetiologies, complications caused by them, parasitic and zoonotic diseases, vascular anomalies, intra- and extraocular malignancies, ocular disorders in the course of diseases of the circulatory system, and finally trauma to the eye. Uncompensated refractive errors and strabismus are also common causes of reduced visual acuity and visual dysfunction in children and teenagers. The variety of paediatric eye diseases requires not only extensive knowledge, a detailed knowledge of the pathological changes occurring in the organ of vision, the ability to manage the young patient and cooperate with their parents or carers, but also good equipment with specialised medical apparatus.
Prof. Mirosława Grałek, an ophthalmologist with nearly half a century of work experience, the GOCC Foundation expert
What equipment will the GOCC purchase?
About the 29th Grand Finale
*Data provided by the National Health Fund
The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity Foundation is a public benefit organisation registered under Polish law staying on the top among the most trusted public entities in the country (according to Brand Asset Valuator). The Foundation has raised over PLN 1 000 000 000 ( EUR 234 500 000,00 ) in aid of public healthcare in Poland. The charity supports public healthcare in Poland by purchasing state-of-the-art equipment for Polish hospitals and clinics.