There are only 101 days left until the jubilee 30th Pol'and'Rock Festival. It's the perfect opportunity to announce the first guests of the Academy of Fine Arts. Let us introduce one of the first AFA guests: Sylwia Zientek!
Sylwia Zientek is a Polish writer, a lawyer by education, who after 13 years in the corporate world, quit her job to focus on writing. She is the author of books (dedicated to Polish artists) such as "Polki na Montparnassie" (Eng. "Polish Women on Montparnasse"), „Tylko one. Polska sztuka bez mężczyzn” (Eng. "Only Them. Polish Art without Men"), and numerous historical novels (including the series "Hotel Varsovie", "Lunia and Modigliani"). She has published biographical texts in Wysokie Obcasy Extra, Skarpa Warszawska, L'Officiel Polska, and many others.

The author's first book, "Illusions, Nervousness, and Sonatas", was nominated for the Angelus Literary Award in 2013. An expert on Paris and French culture. An art enthusiast — currently studying the history of modern art at the Institute of Art of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Privately, a mother of three children, a music lover (from grunge to jazz and classical), an art collector. She travels in the footsteps of artists and constantly seeks information about forgotten painters and sculptors.
The meeting with Sylwia Zientek will take place on Saturday, August 3rd, at 11:30 a.m.

The patron of the Academy of Fine Arts is mBank, and the meetings at the AFA are hosted by journalists from The meetings are held in Polish only.