Grupa Filmowa Darwin is joining this year's AFA guest list! Jan Jurkowski and Marek Hucz, the founders of the collective, will talk about their creative journey, inspirations and plans for the future.
Jan Jurkowski and Marek Hucz are graduates of the National Academy of Theatre Arts in Kraków. They began their cooperation as students, when they came up with various scripts for film formats for fun. Their shared passion and creativity resulted in the creation of the Grupa Filmowa Darwin channel on YouTube. "Grupa Darwina" was officially established on July 1, 2012, and just a few months later they debuted with the series "Mistrz Motyl" [Eng. "Master Butterfly"]. Since then, their work has regularly appeared on the YouTube platform, where it has quickly gained a huge fan base.

A turning point in G.F. Darwin's activity was the series "Wielkie Konflikty". The first eight episodes of this series were recorded in July 2014 and were met with a very positive reception from viewers. It was then decided to create a new channel "G.F. Darwin", where all new productions of the group have been published since 2015. Since then, Grupa Filmowa Darwin has been constantly developing, creating various projects such as "Shorty Darwina", "Dziennik internetowy" and "Zakazane Spoty Darwina", which are creative advertising formats.
The meeting with Grupa Filmowa Darwin will take place on Thursday, August 1 at 1:30 p.m.
Grupa Filmowa Darwin has gained wide recognition not only among followers on YouTube, but also in the film industry. Their productions have featured such stars as Marcin Dorociński, Tomasz Kot, Magdalena Różczka, Tomasz Schuchardt, Barbara Kurdej-Szatan, Edyta Olszówka, Jacek Braciak and Zbigniew Zamachowski.
The patron of the Academy of Fine Arts is mBank