The Gold Heart - the symbol of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity - will find its way into space. It will be taken into interstellar space by Sławosz Uznański, a Polish astronaut who will go to the International Space Station next year.
The GOCC Heart in space is of symbolic importance to all of us – this small but meaningful item proves that we can successfully combine the long-standing tradition of helping and solidarity with the achievements of Polish science. I hope that during the auction, the ‘GOCC's stellar heart’ will break the record, and that our astronaut's mission will bring many benefits to our fast-growing space sector.
Minister of Economic Development and Technology Krzysztof Paszyk.

Ceremonial handover of The Golden Heart, pic. Łukasz Widziszowski
From the perspective of space, we are a civilization living on a cosmic rock. Space travel allows us to re-evaluate what is most important in life: love, solidarity, community, helping others. I find GOCC to be a longstanding reminder to us, Poles, of what is truly significant. I am moved by the fact that GOCC trusted me to bring the Gold Heart into space, in my hand luggage, in the course of the Polish IGNIS mission.
Sławosz Uznański, a Project Astronaut of the European Space Agency
The word „cosmic” has been used a lot when talking about the GOCC, because it is out of this world to play for so many years and be so successful. It is also cosmic to witness such an incredible participation of Poles in the project, but thanks to Sławosz, we are going to have a literal out of this world experience this time! The GOCC, enclosed in the 4.5-gram Gold Heart No. 1, got the permission to travel to the actual space. An incredible, fantastic achievement, and a truly cosmic auction ahead of the bidders.
Jurek Owsiak, the chairman of the board of the GOCC Foundation

Ceremonial handover of The Golden Heart, pic. Łukasz Widziszowski
Klaudia Wojnarowicz
Centrum Komunikacji Fundacji WOŚP